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Desirable Attributes on Good Governance of The President of Sub-District Administrative Organization as Perceived by The People of Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province
Researcher : PhraWichit Thiracitto (Soontarawat) date : 11/09/2013
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
Committee :
  รศ.ดร.สมาน งามสนิท B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Pub. Admin.)
  อาจารย์ ดร.ประชุม ทองมี นบ., MPPM., D.P.A. (Pub. Admin.)
Graduate : ๒๕๕๖



             The objectives of this research are to study desirable attributes on good  governance of the president of sub-district administrative organization as perceived by the people of Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province. to compare desirable attributes on good governance of the president of sub-district administrative organization as perceived by the people of Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province. and to study the problems and suggestions towards desirable attributes  on good governance of the president of sub-district administrative organization as perceived by the people of Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province.

             The research methodology was quantitative method collecting data  from 359 samples of Sub-District Administrative Organization, Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province. The tools of research were the constructed questionnaires and used for data collection. The collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation. T-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA) Analysis of Variance were used to test the significant differences at 0.05 level.






             1. The respondents were mostly women at 53.5 percent with the average age of 50 years and over at 32.6 percent. Secondary educational background at 39.6 percent. Farmers at 26.7 percent. The income of 5,001-10,000 baht permonth at 52.1 percent. Marital status at 44.6 percent. The length of residency for 20 years and more is at 44.3 percent.

             2. The desirable attributes on good governance of the president of sub-district administrative organization as perceived by the people. Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province in total were at middle level. As for each aspect were at middle level at all aspects, Rule of Laws, Ethics, Transparency, Value for Money, Participation, and Accountability.    

             3. The comparison of desirable attributes on good governance of the president of sub-district administrative organization as perceived by the people. Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province from personal factors, found that people with different sex, age, education, occupation, income, status and Length of stay had no different attitudes towards the desirable attributes on good governance of the president of sub-district administrative organization. Tambon Railakthong, Phanatnikhom District, Chonburi Province in the 6 aspects at the statistics significance of 0.05 which denied the set hypothesis.

                 4. Suggestions from the people; there should be the development of desirable attributes on good governance of the president of sub-district administrative organization   in Rule of Laws  aspect, by the law enforcement, various laws and more. Ethics aspect, by the administration with legitimacy, and have precluded. Transparency aspect, people can be monitored. The accuracy of the administration and budgets. When there is doubt. Participation aspect, Should be open to the public participation in the decision, in various activities of the community. Accountability aspect, Should also be active to solve the problem, of people in the area. Value for Money aspect, Provide administration. And  use the resources available. Parsimoniously to achieve maximum benefit and cost-efficient.


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