This study have 2 objectives namely : 1) To study the levels of karmasaddha in Theravada Buddhism and 2) To study The differences in the levels of Karmasaddha in Theravada Buddlnism of high School students classified by sex, class levels, GPA., parent’s keducations and occupations in ThammasatklongluangWittayakomschod. The research tools isquestionnaire. The sample of this study is 286 highShachool students. The statistics to analyse data arefrequency distribution, Mean( ), Standard Derivation (S.D.), Independent Sample t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA).
The Results are as follow
1. General information
The most respondents were male. Their GPA is 2.01-2.99, Family income per monthis 7,001 – 15,000 bath, Parents’education is high School level and the occupation of their parents is government officers.
2. Levels of karmasaddha
The samples havekarmasaddha in each aspects such karmasaddhaVipakasaddha, karmassakasaddha and Tathagatabodhisaddha and in all aspects are at the middle level.
3. The Difference in Karma Saddha
There are the statistical significant difference in karmasaddhabecause the samples havedifference in sex, level of class, family income, level of education of parent, occupation of parents at significant level 0.05. But there are no differences in karmasaddha between student withdifference in GPA..
On considering at specificespects, it is found that there are the statiatical significant difference in karmasadthasuch askarmasaddha, karmasakasaddha between students differentiated by sex,level of class, family income, level of parentseducation and occapations at 0.05 level
Threr are the statistical significant difference in Vipakasaddha between studenetsdifferentiated by family income, parents’ level of educations and occupations at 0.05 level.
There are the statislical significant difference in Tathagatabodhisaddha between students differentiated by sex, class levels, level of parents’educcetions, level of parents educations and occupations at 0.05 level.
There are no statistical significant differences in karmasaddhaon vipadasaddha between studentsdifferentiated by sex, and there are no statistical signisicant difference in Tathagatabodhisadkha between students differentiated byfamity income.